Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Mobile And Wi-Fi Hotspot Technology & Security †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Mobile Wi-Fi Hotspot Technology Security. Answer: Introduction A hotspot is a physical location where the users may obtain internet access with the aid of the Wi-F I technology. The connection is made using Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) through the router connected with Internet Service Provider. There are a number of security issues that are being witnessed in the area of mobile and Wi-Fi hotspot technology. Also, the usual security controls and parameters, such as encryption in these connections are not strong. There are also unsecure steps and practices adopted by the users that result in the compromise of security [1]. Need for Research The common encryption methods, such as WEP and WPA that are used for the protection of the private networks are not applicable in the cases of mobile and Wi-Fi hotspots. There is a lot of complexity associated with the supporting users that result in the difficulty to ensure the security of the networks [2]. The research is necessary to understand the common mobile and Wi-Fi hotspot security issues and understand the practices that may be adopted to control and avoid the same. Motivation for Research The increased use of mobile and Wi-Fi hotspots puts the risk of people capturing real-time data and information from the network traffic. The unsecure hotspots allow the users to easily capture the sensitive data and information with much ease. These issues have led to the compromise of the security and privacy of the data and information [3]. The increased frequency of such risks and attacks provided the motivation to research upon the common issues and causes behind these attacks, the prevention mechanism that shall be adopted to control these attacks, and the best practices that shall be utilized to avoid these attacks. Significance of Research in Problem Solving There are a number of issues that are associated with the security aspect of mobile and Wi-Fi hotspot technology. Some of these include the login information that is put on the unsecured websites along with the private content that is not secured, open access to the shared files on the mobile device, caching of the browsing history, legal obligations, operator issues in hotspot, saved login data and information, inadequate integration of public and private networks, and many more. These problems can further lead to the risks, such as legal obligations and punishments, ethical and social issues. The research will be extremely significant in listing out the solutions to these problems as the root-cause analysis will be done to understand the primary causes behind the occurrence of these attacks. Also, the research will cover a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methodology to ensure that all the aspects of the mobile and Wi-Fi hotspot technology and security are discovered to avoid the risks and attacks. Researchers Perspective The repeated occurrence of the security risks and attacks with the attack surface as the mobile and Wi-Fi hotspot technology is due to the security vulnerabilities that are presented in these connections. The researchers are targeting to explore the primary causes of the issues and to find out the common user errors that enhance the likelihood of the security attacks. The researchers will be working in two major aspects of the security issues associated with the hotspots. The first one revolves around the inadequate and unauthorized usage of bandwidth by the malevolent entity using the security vulnerabilities in the hotspot connection. The second one is associated with the ability that the malicious entities get to gain access to the laptops or other mobile devices that are connected with the hotspot connections. Aim/Objective of the Research The primary aim of the research is to list out the security issues and problems that are associated with the mobile and Wi-Fi hotspot technology. The research also aims at finding the best practices that the users shall adopt to avoid and control these issues along with the other logical, physical, and technical controls that may be applied. Materials Methods Research Methodology Qualitative Quantitative Research The research methodology that will be used to carry out the research process will be a mix of qualitative as well as quantitative analysis. The qualitative process will accomplish the research on the basis of the data collection and investigation techniques that will be adopted. These techniques will include interviews, group discussions, brainstorming sessions, and observations. The data that will be investigated and gathered through these processes will be analysed to understand the patterns involved in the occurrence of security risks and attack. These patterns will then be used to develop and list out the control measures that shall be applied to prevent and avoid the security attacks [4]. The second approach that will be followed in the research process will be quantitative method of research. This methodology will be based on the mathematical concepts and numerical data to understand the statistics behind the security attacks in mobile and Wi-Fi hotspot technology [5]. Data Collection Methods There will be a lot of data and information that will be necessary for conducting the research. The data required for the purpose of conducting the research will be collected through the following methods. Interviews: The interview process will be carried out with the security teams of various organizations along with the hotspot users to understand the user practice, loopholes in security, controls that may be applied and the best practices that may be used. Brainstorming Sessions: The technique will provide the analysis from the perspective of newer ideas and concepts in the field of research [6]. Observations: The existing hotspot connections, the security protocols in these connections, and the user practices involved will be assessed and analysed in this method. Group Discussions: There will be group discussions organized with the security teams, experts, end-users, and others to understand the various security aspects of mobile and Wi-Fi technology. Expected Outcome The expected outcome of the research is the list of the security issues and concerns revolving around the mobile and Wi-Fi hotspot technology. It is also expected that the research will provide the set of best practices that shall be used and applied by the end-users for safer hotspot connections. The list of controls is also expected to be provided as an outcome of the research process. Timeline The research process will be carried out in a period of 12 weeks and the tasks that will be completed in each of these 12 weeks has been listed in the table below. Week Task 1 Selection of the research topic and its finalization 2 Conduction of the feasibility study to ensure that the research can be carried out on the topic as Mobile Wi-Fi hotspot technology and security 3 Research Planning: Listing of the research questions that will be answered and selection of research methodology 4 Selection of the data collection methods and techniques that will be applied 5 Collection of the data by conducting the techniques identified for the same 6 Analysis of the data that is collected for the research 7 Identification of patterns and trends involved in the security attacks and risks associated with the hotspots 8 Conduction of quantitative methods of research to understand the statistics involved 9 Identification of the best user practices that shall be adopted to control the security risks and events associated with the hotspot connections 10 Identification of the logical, physical, and technical controls that may be applied to put a check on the security issues 11 Analysis of the further areas of improvements and listing of the lessons acquired from the research 12 Final phase with research presentation and closure References Busso, "Just how secure is that hotspot?", Computerworld, 2015. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 21- Mar- 2018]. Geier, "Wi-Fi Hotspot Security: The Issues",, 2006. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 21- Mar- 2018]. Bannan, "IT struggles to control security, bandwidth on tethered devices -- FCW", FCW, 2018. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 21- Mar- 2018]. Yilmaz, "Comparison of Quantitative and Qualitative Research Traditions: epistemological, theoretical, and methodological differences", European Journal of Education, vol. 48, no. 2, pp. 311-325, 2013. Hanson and M. Grimmer, "The mix of qualitative and quantitative research in major marketing journals, 1993 2002", European Journal of Marketing, vol. 41, no. 12, pp. 58-70, 2007. Yousuf, "Comparison of Various Requirements Elicitation Techniques",, 2015. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 21- Mar- 2018].

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