Thursday, September 3, 2020


Plan of action INTERROGATION and DEVELOPMENT - Essay Example In this manner it is critical for directors to build up a sound plan of action as neglecting to do so would seriously disturb business activities (Hedman and Kalling, 2003). It is with respect to this reality that the scientist will endeavor to assess the plan of action of Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC). Accentuation will be given the way where the chiefs in this organization have incorporated and built up the plan of action. The scientist will clarify the company’s execution and techniques in the elements of item and capital market. Other than that spotlight will be laid on the organization’s item portfolio. This will permit the analyst to remark on the points of interest and disadvantages of the plan of action executed by Toyota Motor Corporation and what degree the interior authoritative structure added to the plan of action. In that manner the specialist will have the option to make proposals in regards to any progressions that should be brought inside the plan of action and the hierarchical structure. TMC is a Multinational Corporation situated in Japan which is for the most part occupied with assembling and conveyance of cars. The association works in three business fragments which are car creation, house plan and money related administrations (Toyota, 2015a). Toyota is by and by the market head in the vehicle business. The organization has accomplished this height by selling vehicles, minivans and trucks as a piece of its business in the car portion (Thomson Reuters, 2015). Toyota’s plan of action depends on two essential solid structures: Kaizen and the lean creation framework (additionally alluded to as the Toyota Production framework). Kaizen implies perpetual upgrades that are to be purchased in the nature of items. The administrators of Toyota have confidence in working their way towards advancement so as to create forms that are pointed towards persistent item advancement and improvement. Kaizen is an incorporated system which

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Faisal -business development of small-scale businesses in saudi arabia Dissertation

Faisal - business advancement of little scope organizations in saudi arabia - Dissertation Example A concise sweep of the significant hypotheses and the difficulties to them are as per the following: Firm size: According to Schiffer and Weder, the common supposition that will be that SMEs have a greater number of issues than enormous firms due to their size. The reasons preferring huge firms incorporate economies of scale and passage costs; political impact; and more noteworthy perceivability. Life Cycle versus Age: Masurel and Montfort (2006) broke down the phases in the existence pattern of little and medium scale undertakings, specifically in the expert administrations part, and recognizing one phase from the other. Four phases were recognized †beginning; development; development; and decay. First three phases show an enhancement in quite a while, increment in separation of work power, and increment in labor profitability. In the last stage, every one of these measures decline. These stages, as opposed to the firm’s age, are what decide its development. ... As to imaginativeness as a factor in itself, Masurel, et al (2003), Nijkamp (2000) found that the component of initiative encourages innovativeness in the administration of SMEs are determinative of inventive conduct. Structure: Laforet and Tann (2006) and Tidd, et al. (2001) express that there is a profoundly critical contrast among structure and advancement. This demonstrates advancement doesn't grow well under various leveled structures, fundamentally in view of significant levels of administration, and compliment SME structures will in general lead to increasingly effective creative endeavors. Then again, Wei Xiuli and Juan Zhao (2009) qualifies this, expressing the ideal line structure of SMEs should think about the average hierarchical structure of the business, the development of the firm, the particular stage it is in, and different variables that sway on the firm’s execution. Key Alliances: Booz, Allen and Hamilton, (n.d.) appeared in their examinations that SMEs will profit through the foundation of helpful courses of action with different associations and organizations. Uniting helps ease costs by sharing aptitude, resources, costs, and hazard without the requirement for money, obligation or exchanging value. In numerous occurrences, collaborating bunches resort to bargaining. Research targets It is justifiable that little and medium scale enterprises are only here and there made the subject of scholastic research, in view of the numerous elements that are seen to impact this portion of the business, the investigations give off an impression of being divided in that such a large number of suspicions are made regarding the sort of industry and the determinations of the organization (cutting edge or low-tech, administration or assembling, fire up or develop, large scale manufacturing or specially crafted, etc). This examination along these lines

Friday, August 21, 2020

What to do with a Bad Book

How to manage a Bad Book Weve all read them. The books not altered all around ok. The books that presumably shouldnt have been distributed. The books that made you scratch your head considering what the writer was thinking. â€Å"Life is too short to even think about reading books that Im not enjoying.† ~Melissa Marr â€Å"Be as cautious about the books you read, as of the organization you keep; for your propensities and character will be as much affected ~Paxton Hood A significant number of my companions state they can't put a book down without perusing it entirely through, in trusts the book makes up for itself. Others state they read in any event a large portion of the book, allowing the writer to discover the story. Apologies, I dont have the opportunity. It disappoints perusers when we invest our well deserved extra energy, just as the cash, just to feel weve squandered both. That is the reason we regularly hold up until somebody we trust has checked it, or it hits some success list since we contribute. Its why we read the example pages on Amazon or Kindle. However, I have a proposal. In the event that you undoubtedly are an essayist with objectives to improve, on the off chance that you trust one day to distribute your very own account, at that point next time a terrible book falls into your lap, read it at any rate. What's more, as you go, mark it up. You dont care on the off chance that you write in an awful book. You wont pass it on at any rate. Note the terrible discourse, absence of inside monolog, poor stream, shallow portrayal. Cross out the character that truly didnt drive the story, and decorate the setting. Include aroma where there is none, and slash out the words that held up traffic of a fresh point. Feature, compose, cross out, twist pages. The book is a whole lot of nothing in any case, correct? This is the place you become familiar with how to alter . . . what's more, how to compose. You take this bit of poop and you make it commendable. Its hard to alter your own work, so why not sharpen your abilities We gain from great composition, yet we can gain from the awful on the off chance that we set aside the effort to comprehend the reasons the terrible didn't make the cut.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Transcendentalism in a Modern World - Free Essay Example

The quote seize the day, gather ye rosebuds while ye may(Dead Poets Society) represents one of the many philosophies of transcendentalism, a belief based on the idea of individuality and nature. These beliefs are displayed throughout the film Dead Poets Society. It explores these views in a modern way through the eyes of a group of boys enrolled in an all boys academy. Through their actions, the views of transcendentalism can be seen through many perspectives. Dead Poets Society demonstrates the importance of nonconformity, individuality, and Carpe Diem through a transcendentalist point of view displayed by the characters Todd Anderson, Mr. John Keating, and Knox Overstreet. The value of non conformity over the pressure of conformity is a strong viewpoint of transcendentalism that is shown throughout the film Dead Poets Society. A perfect example with this conflict is the protagonist, Todd Anderson. Todd does not get as much screen time as some of the other boys, but he is the protagonist because his character develops the most out of any character. When he arrives at Welton Academy, the first thing he decides to do was to set up his desk set (Dead Poets Society). Todd is displaying the presence of conformity within him right at the start of the movie. His posture is inward, his eyes are placed on the desk set, and he is refusing to talk to the other boys enrolled (Dead Poets Society). His conformist behavior obstructs his ability to reach out to everyone else. Everytime he goes back to that desk set, his conformist side is shown physically and through his non connection with others. Ralph Waldo Emersons idea of nonconformity whoso would be a man must be a nonconformist(Emerson 366) contradicts Todds behavior of conformity. Emerson believes that conformists like Todd will not be able to succeed in life if he does not loosen the reins. An individual who is a nonconformist rebels against the conformist nature holding people back. Throughout the film, Todd starts slowly becoming a proper nonconformist that Emerson hopes for in an individual. Mr. Keating is fired due to fears of nonconformity by the school. Eventually, Todd stands up for what he believes in by standing on his school desk giving his teacher the proper goodbye he deserves (Dead Poets Society). Todd embraces his nonconformist side to do something for someone that he cared about. The fact that he stands on his desk, the thing that represent his conformist side, is now a symbol of proper nonconformity for everyone to see. He was respectful and at the same time a rebel for what he believes in. This is the transcendentalists perspective on non conformity. Standing up to a bel ief may be difficult, yet it can spread a reputation of someone who is working hard for their faith. Self esteem in oneself is a dominant transcendentalist faith that is shown throughout the confidence of Mr. John Keating. Mr. Keating cares so much for each and every student he had in his classroom. He holds so much love for his students telling them [He is] here-that life exists and identity, that the powerful play goes on and [he] can contribute a verse(Dead Poets Society). Mr. Keating explains to his students that they each have a purpose, and identity, and a opinion on this Earth. Every human soul is imperative because everyone has talents and skills. People have identities to make an impact. Unfortunately, not everyone believes that. Todd believes that he can not write a poem to impress his classmates. He thinks he is a failure and is not an important figure. Mr. Keating notices this, he walks up to Todds desk and asks him to yell his barbaric yawp (Dead Poets Society). Todds struggles were important to Mr. Keating and he wants Todd to be someone who believes strongly in his i dentity and have confidence. Self esteem struggles can often lead to depression and eventually, suicide. Therefore, Mr. Keating is trying his best to show Todd that he is important, he can accomplish his goals, and he has a purpose in human life. Moreover, the boys at Welton have many systems of belief that they leave behind due to the conformist nature. Mr. Keating warns them to Maintain [their] own belief in the face of others(Dead Poets Society). An important part of self esteem is putting others before oneself, and Keating fears the troubles of not standing up for beliefs. Neil Perry, a student of Mr. Keating demonstrates the dangers that Mr. Keating informs. When his dad threatens to do things for him and Neil cannot stand up for himself, he is stuck within himself and eventually, this leads to his downfall in suicide (Dead Poets Society). It is evident that ones individual role is an important to human society that others cannot see the importance of their role on Earth, whic h leads to consequences. Mr. Keating advices around the importance of self worth, which is an important view of transcendentalism. Many transcendentalists need self individuality to be strong in their own in order to connect the many philosophies of others, Mr. Keating is a prime example of letting his students know how strong their self worth in life is. Additionally, Carpe Diem is another important message revealed in Dead Poets Society. This philosophy of seizing the day plays a huge role in the transcendentalist faith, and also in the evolution of Knox Overstreet. When Knox meets Chris for the first time, he is nervous and easily doubts himself (Dead Poets Society). Knox cannot find the confidence in himself to talk to Chris. He ponders to himself and asks his friends about what to do. He knows winning her is a heavy task at hand and he cannot this notion out of his brain. He also knows that he needs to do something in order to get her on his side. When he realizes that he could win her, he eventually calls her, telling his friends Carpe Diem, even if it kills me (Dead Poets Society). Knox knows that he is not going to get what he wants if he makes a statement to Chris, unless he takes a risk. Seizing the day is something that has to be proven in order to capture a desire. Knox makes it known throughout his story about what he wan ts and how long he will wait to get his desire, even if it is risky. Sometimes, heading for a goal in a aggressive direction can result in accomplishment or failure. In Knoxs case, he accomplishes a difficult goal. He wants to ask Chris out to watch his a play, and she decides to go with him (Dead Poets Society). In a tough war of love, Knox eventually seizes the day by winning Chriss heart. He takes risks and steps out his comfort zone for this girl. He is quiet and to himself at the beginning, like his acquaintance Todd. He finds a way to step out of his shell and get what he craves, all because he works hard for what he wants by seizing the day. Finding that self confidence to step up is what transcendentalists do when they have a most wanted desire. Not against a forbidden law or statute, but an opportunity that can be taken. Furthermore, Todd Anderson, Mr. Keating, and Knox Overstreet represent the themes of Non conformity, individuality, and seizing the day showing transcendentalists beliefs in Dead Poets Society. Todd displays the importance of nonconformity over conformity. Mr. Keating shows the significance about individuality in oneself. Knox Overstreet exhibits the accomplishment one can get by Carpe Diem. Emerson, Thoreau, Whitman, and many other transcendentalists used these lessons to create a better world for human kind, and many of these views can be used today. But is that step easy to take, or is it harder than it seems? It is different for everyone, because everyone is unique and special in their own way.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Frustration and Disillusionment in T.S. Eliots The Love...

Frustration and Disillusionment in T.S. Eliots The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock T.S. Eliot, a notable twentieth century poet, wrote often about the modern man and his incapacity to make decisive movements. In his work entitled, The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock; he continues this theme allowing the reader to view the world as he sees it, a world of isolation and fear strangling the will of the modern man. The poem opens with a quoted passage from Dantes Inferno, an allusion to Dantes character who speaks from Hell only because he believes that the listener can not return to earth and thereby is impotent to act on the knowledge of his conversation. In his work, Eliot uses this quotation to foreshadow the idea that his†¦show more content†¦He is clearly incapacitated to act, trapped by his own fear that he will be unable to garner any interaction from the women with whom he wants to converse. Prufrock plans his approach and reminds himself often that; there will be time.; I have measured out my life with coffee spoons; (line 51), shows how Prufrock thinks of his own life, unexciting and unheroic. In his mind he has nothing to offer these women. He returns to wrestling with his thoughts that allow him to desire the love the women have to offer but talk himself out of the task by gentile reminders of the risk. He tells the reader that he knows these women and even begins to rehearse an opening remark, Shall I say, I have gone at dusk through narrow streets / And watched the smoke that rises from the pipes; (lines 70-71). This thought is quickly lost however as Prufrock imagines how easy it would be to be a creature that had no need for love, I should have been a pair of ragged claws / Scuttling across the floors of silent seas; (lines 73-74). Having decided not to try, Prufrock questions whether his efforts would have been worthwhile. He believes that he can not relate to the women that which he feels, It is impossible to say just what I mean!; (line 104). He rationalizes his fear by imagining that his speaking to the women would not have achieved any real response. He further imagines the women saying, That is not what I meant at all, /Show MoreRelatedDisillusionment and Rebellion in Modernism1502 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"The importance of Modernism was in its ability to unite the masses by illuminating common feelings of disillusionment and rebellion through artistic forms.† Argue with reference to two poems of T.S Eliot and one additional text of you choosing. Rebellion and Disillusionment were fundamental feelings expressed by Western society in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. They came about as a result of a myriad of factors including; industrialisation, urbanisation, technological advances, militaristicRead MoreThe Decay Of The Human Mentality837 Words   |  4 Pagesto explore the decay of the human mindset in both physical and metaphysical circumstances. Poetry is a form of expression that allows the writer to discuss harsh or tender political and philosophical topics and to vent frustration without directly offending the general public. Eliot’s poetry is exemplifies his belief that the modern person is vulnerable and fragmented, â€Å"the poetry of grapples with the apparent absence of meaning in modern life; it exposes the personal and social fragmentation and disenchantmentRead MoreEssay on T.s. Eliot And Society1454 Words   |  6 PagesMany of their pieces challenged tradition against new manners. The outlook of society changed from a moral perspective to fast times. Many people tended to look apart from average events that occurred in their daily lives to find greater reasoning. T.S. Eliot is considered to be one of the most prominent poets and playwrights of his time and his works are said to have promoted to â€Å"reshape modern literature† (World Book). He was born in 1888 in St. Louis, Missouri and studied at Harvard and OxfordRead MoreEssay Emotion in T.S. Eliots The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock1453 Words   |  6 PagesEmotion in T.S. Eliots The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock In his poem â€Å"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,† T.S. Eliot subtly conveys a wide variety of Prufrock’s emotions; he creates pathos for the speaker by employing the â€Å"objective correlative,† which Eliot defines as â€Å"a set of objects, a situation, a chain of events [that] shall be the formula of that particular emotion† (â€Å"Hamlet and His Problems†). The first stanza introduces Prufrock’s isolation, as epitomized metaphorically byRead MoreModernism - Araby and the Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock Essay1382 Words   |  6 Pagesliterature. The modernism movement was prompted by a widespread disillusionment in society that resulted from contextual events. This allowed an altered view of the world as fractured and chaotic, especially due to paralysis and alienation in modern society. This newly perceived reality is reflected through techniques of fragmentation in modernist works such as James Joyce’s short story â€Å"Araby† and T.S. Eliot’s poem â€Å"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock†. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, fundamental andRead More Prufrock in the poem The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock Essay3665 Words   |  15 PagesQuestion Who is Prufrock? The modern propensity for excessive introspection prevents people from living full, active lives. Is this true of Prufrock? Refer to examples from the poem to support your opinion. Answer It is obvious that the excessive and obsessive reflection of self that Prufrock undergoes in the poem, The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock written by T.S. Eliot, prevents him from living to his true potential, and this is shown through the poet?s language and his use of poetic

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Improving The American School System - 1020 Words

Improving American School System I pursue my education in the United States with expectation to be awe-struck by American advanced education system where students are equipped with critical thinking, abilities to realize their full potential as well as freedom to express themselves. However, the situation I have experienced tells me otherwise. It is just like that of China. I have gone through all these troubles only to find it is not worth the trip. This set me pondering the flawed American education system that kills students’ creativity and aspiration to advance. The oppressive ambience of American schools stifles, intimidates and destroys students and turns them into the mouthpiece of one voice, that of schools, the pervasive corporations and the government. Funding is limited, curriculum creativity-smothering, and teachers oppressive. These problems, if left unattended, are hindering America from greater progress and a greater height that she used to enjoy academically, scientifically or culturally. Thus , in order to change the American public school system for the better, the government must grant more funds to improve teacher-student ratio and to enlarge access to more and higher quality resources; the schools must adopt alternative evaluation measures that incorporate portfolio assessment and peer reviews; and the schools must create more focused, logical and students-friendly curriculums to meet students’ growing demand for academic excellence. First and foremost,Show MoreRelatedEssay Will School Vouchers Improve Public Schools?1082 Words   |  5 Pagesan area that American society cannot afford to ignore, as the discussion on voucher schools directly affects our youth, the very foundation of our country. Many cities across the United States have proposed school voucher programs in an effort to improve the education of inner-city children that come from low-income families. However, with this proposition arises certain questions that cannot be avoided. Although proponents of school vouchers argue differently, challengers of the system expressly stateRead MoreThe Bill Will Help American School Systems Improve Schools1420 Words   |  6 Pageshelp American school systems improve by making changes to problems that have been ignored for decades. Section 2: It is interesting how the United States is seen as one of the world’s strongest economies while their school systems are so inefficient. The United States spends such a small amount of time improving and updating their education system which molds the minds of their future generations. American education is falling behind because the Nation refuses to make changes on helping schools getRead MoreOrganizational Impact On Nursing And Nursing Education1602 Words   |  7 Pages Among these groups are the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN), American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), and Institute of Medicine (IOM). We will discuss how these three organizations have impacted nursing and the nursing education. The Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) looks to educate nurses in improving the quality and safety of patient care in the workplace. QSEN looks at improving the nursing care of future and experienced nurses. The profession of nursingRead MoreEducation Systems Of The Us Educational System886 Words   |  4 PagesEducation Systems in Other Countries â€Å"One of the biggest problems in the US educational system is the inadequate condition of many schools located in economically disadvantaged areas†(Morgan, p 291). 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Moreover, when white families departed as the black population grew, one of the consequences of this action was the quality of education in the public school system, declined whichRead More The Failure of Integration Essay879 Words   |  4 Pagesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;After four decades of school integration America has given up, and the question is: quot;Why?quot;. I believe the answer is because absolutely nothing worked! Bussing was a hassle, most magnet schools were set up for false reasons, and everything was very costly. With everything they tried there were still no significant changes in the test scores of the minority students. So now here we are in the late 21st century and it can all be summed up with what Chris Hansen of the American Civil Liberties UnionRead MoreHow Has Socioeconomic Status Affected Our Country s Response Of The War On Education Essay1681 Words   |  7 PagesAlexander How has socioeconomic status’ affected our country s response to the war on education. American Psychological Association. â€Å"Education and Socioeconomic Status† American Psychological Association: American Psychological Association, 2016,, September 19, 2016 According to the American Psychological Association, in a study of American kindergarten children, 36 percent of lower class parents read to their children on a daily basisRead MoreImproving The Nation s Education System1112 Words   |  5 Pagesresearch is conducted to compare the opinions on improving the Nation’s Education System. The data collected is then analyzed and compared to three independent variables; Race, Age, and Gender. The results are then verified with applying statistical techniques of Cross tabulation and Chi-square to come to a conclusion. Conceptual Model AGE RACE GENDER Introduction Teaching is an essential part of education. What is the role of education in American Society? We tend to focus more on higher educationRead MoreIs America’s Education System Broke? Essay1133 Words   |  5 Pagesfact to me, because if they can’t read this then what can they read? There are many factors which have led to the failed education system of the United States. Some of the main factors that have led to this ongoing problem have connections with this economic hardship we are facing. Teachers and schools budgets are being cut which is harshly affecting education. Schools are leaning towards standardized tests to determine if a student has learned what they should through the curriculum. By these testingRead More Misplaced Government Spending Essay1099 Words   |  5 Pagesyou could say that I am a proud American. What other government has a national budget of $2 trillion? People say money cant buy happiness, but I disagree. The reason people say money doesn?t b uy happiness is because they are spending it on the wrong things. Of the $2 trillion at the government?s disposal, $355.4 billion is spent on the military every year. I know that our President must fight terrorism and wants to spend billions of dollars in order to keep American citizens safe; however I don?t

Mobile And Wi-Fi Hotspot Technology & Security †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Mobile Wi-Fi Hotspot Technology Security. Answer: Introduction A hotspot is a physical location where the users may obtain internet access with the aid of the Wi-F I technology. The connection is made using Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) through the router connected with Internet Service Provider. There are a number of security issues that are being witnessed in the area of mobile and Wi-Fi hotspot technology. Also, the usual security controls and parameters, such as encryption in these connections are not strong. There are also unsecure steps and practices adopted by the users that result in the compromise of security [1]. Need for Research The common encryption methods, such as WEP and WPA that are used for the protection of the private networks are not applicable in the cases of mobile and Wi-Fi hotspots. There is a lot of complexity associated with the supporting users that result in the difficulty to ensure the security of the networks [2]. The research is necessary to understand the common mobile and Wi-Fi hotspot security issues and understand the practices that may be adopted to control and avoid the same. Motivation for Research The increased use of mobile and Wi-Fi hotspots puts the risk of people capturing real-time data and information from the network traffic. The unsecure hotspots allow the users to easily capture the sensitive data and information with much ease. These issues have led to the compromise of the security and privacy of the data and information [3]. The increased frequency of such risks and attacks provided the motivation to research upon the common issues and causes behind these attacks, the prevention mechanism that shall be adopted to control these attacks, and the best practices that shall be utilized to avoid these attacks. Significance of Research in Problem Solving There are a number of issues that are associated with the security aspect of mobile and Wi-Fi hotspot technology. Some of these include the login information that is put on the unsecured websites along with the private content that is not secured, open access to the shared files on the mobile device, caching of the browsing history, legal obligations, operator issues in hotspot, saved login data and information, inadequate integration of public and private networks, and many more. These problems can further lead to the risks, such as legal obligations and punishments, ethical and social issues. The research will be extremely significant in listing out the solutions to these problems as the root-cause analysis will be done to understand the primary causes behind the occurrence of these attacks. Also, the research will cover a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methodology to ensure that all the aspects of the mobile and Wi-Fi hotspot technology and security are discovered to avoid the risks and attacks. Researchers Perspective The repeated occurrence of the security risks and attacks with the attack surface as the mobile and Wi-Fi hotspot technology is due to the security vulnerabilities that are presented in these connections. The researchers are targeting to explore the primary causes of the issues and to find out the common user errors that enhance the likelihood of the security attacks. The researchers will be working in two major aspects of the security issues associated with the hotspots. The first one revolves around the inadequate and unauthorized usage of bandwidth by the malevolent entity using the security vulnerabilities in the hotspot connection. The second one is associated with the ability that the malicious entities get to gain access to the laptops or other mobile devices that are connected with the hotspot connections. Aim/Objective of the Research The primary aim of the research is to list out the security issues and problems that are associated with the mobile and Wi-Fi hotspot technology. The research also aims at finding the best practices that the users shall adopt to avoid and control these issues along with the other logical, physical, and technical controls that may be applied. Materials Methods Research Methodology Qualitative Quantitative Research The research methodology that will be used to carry out the research process will be a mix of qualitative as well as quantitative analysis. The qualitative process will accomplish the research on the basis of the data collection and investigation techniques that will be adopted. These techniques will include interviews, group discussions, brainstorming sessions, and observations. The data that will be investigated and gathered through these processes will be analysed to understand the patterns involved in the occurrence of security risks and attack. These patterns will then be used to develop and list out the control measures that shall be applied to prevent and avoid the security attacks [4]. The second approach that will be followed in the research process will be quantitative method of research. This methodology will be based on the mathematical concepts and numerical data to understand the statistics behind the security attacks in mobile and Wi-Fi hotspot technology [5]. Data Collection Methods There will be a lot of data and information that will be necessary for conducting the research. The data required for the purpose of conducting the research will be collected through the following methods. Interviews: The interview process will be carried out with the security teams of various organizations along with the hotspot users to understand the user practice, loopholes in security, controls that may be applied and the best practices that may be used. Brainstorming Sessions: The technique will provide the analysis from the perspective of newer ideas and concepts in the field of research [6]. Observations: The existing hotspot connections, the security protocols in these connections, and the user practices involved will be assessed and analysed in this method. Group Discussions: There will be group discussions organized with the security teams, experts, end-users, and others to understand the various security aspects of mobile and Wi-Fi technology. Expected Outcome The expected outcome of the research is the list of the security issues and concerns revolving around the mobile and Wi-Fi hotspot technology. It is also expected that the research will provide the set of best practices that shall be used and applied by the end-users for safer hotspot connections. The list of controls is also expected to be provided as an outcome of the research process. Timeline The research process will be carried out in a period of 12 weeks and the tasks that will be completed in each of these 12 weeks has been listed in the table below. Week Task 1 Selection of the research topic and its finalization 2 Conduction of the feasibility study to ensure that the research can be carried out on the topic as Mobile Wi-Fi hotspot technology and security 3 Research Planning: Listing of the research questions that will be answered and selection of research methodology 4 Selection of the data collection methods and techniques that will be applied 5 Collection of the data by conducting the techniques identified for the same 6 Analysis of the data that is collected for the research 7 Identification of patterns and trends involved in the security attacks and risks associated with the hotspots 8 Conduction of quantitative methods of research to understand the statistics involved 9 Identification of the best user practices that shall be adopted to control the security risks and events associated with the hotspot connections 10 Identification of the logical, physical, and technical controls that may be applied to put a check on the security issues 11 Analysis of the further areas of improvements and listing of the lessons acquired from the research 12 Final phase with research presentation and closure References Busso, "Just how secure is that hotspot?", Computerworld, 2015. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 21- Mar- 2018]. Geier, "Wi-Fi Hotspot Security: The Issues",, 2006. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 21- Mar- 2018]. Bannan, "IT struggles to control security, bandwidth on tethered devices -- FCW", FCW, 2018. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 21- Mar- 2018]. Yilmaz, "Comparison of Quantitative and Qualitative Research Traditions: epistemological, theoretical, and methodological differences", European Journal of Education, vol. 48, no. 2, pp. 311-325, 2013. Hanson and M. Grimmer, "The mix of qualitative and quantitative research in major marketing journals, 1993 2002", European Journal of Marketing, vol. 41, no. 12, pp. 58-70, 2007. Yousuf, "Comparison of Various Requirements Elicitation Techniques",, 2015. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 21- Mar- 2018].